SI-COLO Series – Color Sensors
The color sensors of SI-COLO Series operate according to the 3-color-range principle, with a white-light LED as a light source. Except of the sensors of SI-COLO1 series, the color sensors can be parameterized under Windows® through the serial RS232 interface.
- SI-COLO1 (3 primary colors RED, GREEN, BLUE)
- SI-COLO2 (15 colors, 8-it-A/D conversion)
- SI-COLO3 (15 colors, 12-bit-A/D conversion)
- SI-COLO4 (31 colors, 12-bit A/D conversion)
- SI-COLO84 (100 colors, 12-bit-A/D conversion)
Color Sensors with Integrated Optics
Color Sensors “Diffuse Light” respectively “Focused Light”
Color Sensors with Optoelectronic Frontend
- SI-COLO2-M18
Color Sensors for Use with Optical Fibers
Color Sensors “Active Light” (Color- and Luminosity Check of Luminous Objects)
Color Sensors “Moved Transparent Objects” (Color-Check of PET-bottles Solid Blanks)
Reflex Luminescence Color Sensors
Color Sensor for Teach-in of up to 100 Colors